Friday, November 4, 2022

How to start a life coach business


How to start a life coach business

If you're thinking about starting a life coach business, it's important to know that it's not as simple as simply getting client referrals. You'll want to set up your website and social media accounts, create content that attracts ideal clients, and make sure you have the right training so you can provide the best support possible. But don't worry—we've put together this guide to walk you through each step of becoming a successful life coach!

Get your life coach training.

Once you've decided on a business name and the type of coaching you want to do, the next step is training. Training is important for credibility—it means that you've been taught how to be a life coach, so your clients know that they're getting professional advice that has been vetted by an expert.

Training will also help you learn all of the skills necessary to run your own business: marketing strategies, time management skills and more. Plus, training programs are often an excellent source of networking opportunities. If there isn't one in your area yet (or if it's not quite right), consider going online or taking classes at a university or college near you until something better comes along!

Determine if you want to be a general purpose or niche life coach.

You'll want to decide if you want to be a general life coach or a niche life coach. General purpose coaches help their clients with all types of problems, while niche coaches focus on one specific issue or type of client. If you choose to specialize in a particular problem, it may be easier for you to attract more clients and make your business more efficient. And here is how to start a life coach business. 

Get client referrals.

  • Ask for referrals. If you have clients who trust you and like working with you, they will be more than happy to refer their friends and colleagues to your business.

  • Give referrals to other life coaches. If someone comes in looking for help, ask them if they know of any other life coaches who might be able to help them out as well—and when appropriate, give them the name of a colleague who could provide better services than yours (or make an introduction).

  • Give referrals to other professionals. If someone comes in looking for help but doesn't want a life coach or therapist themselves, suggest that they consider seeing someone else such as a lawyer or accountant instead; this way you'll still earn money from the referral without losing business from that person yourself!

  • Get a referral from a friend or family member: This one is obvious yet frequently overlooked because people often assume that "referral" means "person knows about us only through word-of-mouth," which isn't always true! The best kind of referral is one where both parties can say confidently about each other "this person has helped me immensely."

Decide if you'll need small business funding or loans.

If you will need to borrow money for your business, you may want to consider getting a small business loan. There are several options available when it comes to financing a new life coach business:

  • Bank loans. Banks offer the most common type of loan for starting a new business. These loans typically require collateral in addition to your credit score, and they typically have higher interest rates than other types of financing options

  • Online lenders. Peer-to-peer lending websites allow individuals who want to lend money for various reasons (such as earning interest on their savings) meet with borrowers seeking funding for personal projects or small businesses. Because these websites are not regulated by government agencies like the FDIC (which protects bank accounts), they often have lower standards and variable rates

Set up your website and social media accounts.

You need to have a website, because it's the first thing people will see when they're looking for your services.

It's also important that your website looks professional and is easy to navigate. Make sure you include some of these elements:

  • A contact form so people can get in touch with you.

  • Your coaching schedule (what days and times you're available). Be flexible! Some clients will want morning sessions, while others may prefer evening appointments.

  • A short bio that explains who you are and what makes you qualified as a life coach—for example, "I help women who are looking for direction in their careers," or "I've worked as an executive assistant for over 20 years." Outline any relevant experience or qualifications so potential clients know that they're hiring someone who has knowledge in their field—not just another person with an office downtown who wants money but doesn't really know anything about coaching at all!

Create your blog and start publishing content that'll attract your ideal clients.

Your blog is your place to keep writing and publishing content that shows off your expertise. It's also the place where you'll be able to promote your services, get clients directly, build trust with potential clients and establish yourself as an authority on all things life coaching related.

In order for these things to happen though, it's important that you have a clear vision for what kind of business owner you want to be. This way when you start writing about anything that comes up in your business (like how I did above), it'll all make sense to people who are already familiar with who you are as a coach.

Use free 'help wanted' ads on Facebook to find a virtual assistant.

Facebook is a great place to find virtual assistants. Search for "virtual assistant" in the help wanted section of Facebook and you'll be able to find potential assistants who are looking for work. You can also use social media as part of your virtual assistant search, since many people use social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter to market themselves as helpers (like photographer, graphic designer, project manager).

Consider running online webinars to sell courses as a part of your services.

  • Offer a free webinar as a lead-generation tool.

You can use this to attract clients to your business, and then sell them on paid courses or other products via the webinar. You can also use it as an additional service for existing clients.

  • Use a platform like Zoom or GoToWebinar to host the live event. You may want to consider using ClickFunnels (or another landing page creation tool) in order to create your own landing pages, sales funnel, and checkout process for selling online courses through webinars.

Having a life coach business is an excellent way to make money, but you have to start somewhere!

The first step to starting your life coach business is to get clear on what you want.

You might not be able to pay the bills at the very beginning, but you will need a plan and the right mindset before you can start making money as a life coach.

You might also want some help getting started and it’s great to have someone guiding you through the process of building a business from scratch.

There are plenty of ways for newbie entrepreneurs to get their feet wet:


We hope that this article has given you some ideas on how to start a life coach business. We believe that everyone can be a life coach, because all it takes is a desire to help others improve their lives and make more money. If this sounds like something you want to do, then go out there and make it happen!

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